Interested in joining Landcare and making a difference
for the environment and your local community?
You don't have to be young, fit, own land or be knowledgeable about flora and fauna to join in.
All you need is a sense of fun and a willingness to contribute to a better environmental future.
For more information contact
Anna Feely, YYLN Landcare Facilitator,
M: 0417 536 873, E: [email protected]
The Yarram Yarram Landcare Network acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners on whose lands we live and work -
the Gunaikurnai people. We recognise your historic and ongoing care of the diverse landscapes that we call home.
As the original land-carers, your guidance is important to us as we protect this unique land, together.
Always was, always will be, Gunaikurnai Country.
the Gunaikurnai people. We recognise your historic and ongoing care of the diverse landscapes that we call home.
As the original land-carers, your guidance is important to us as we protect this unique land, together.
Always was, always will be, Gunaikurnai Country.
EVENTSYYLN Membership Renewals due now!Membership renewals to our Landcare Network are now due! $45 for an annual household membership makes you part of a vibrant community of Landcarers, a network which is regional, national and international!! Please visit our GET INVOLVED page for bank details.
YYLN at the Yarram Agricultural Show!! (Nov 24)The Yarram Landcare Network was represented at the Yarram Agricultural Show on 23 November, showcasing our new Community Nursery. Thank you to those volunteers who came along to staff the Nursery - a mammoth effort given the blazing weather!! And a special thank you to Anna and Ben for helping set up the Nursery for the day!!
YYLN AGM - Celebrating another year of Landcaring!
NEWSNetwork Notes (Sept-Oct 2024)Check out the latest Network Notes from our YYLN Executive Officer, Simon Hamilton, Facilitator, Anna Feely and Project Officer, Ben Layton!!
Reveg on Dingo Creek (Sept 2024)Another successful planting and guarding session was held at Dingo Creek Reserve in early September. A small band of Wonyip Landcare Group volunteers managed to plant and guard over 200 seedlings to revegetate private property along Dingo Creek - awesome effort!! This project is supported by a VLG grant.
Seaspray Primary gets into some Landcaring!!!
Julieanne Peavey of the YYLN Board spent the morning of Tuesday 17 October with Seaspray Primary School students who are embracing all things Landcare, establishing a YYLN-sponsored vegie patch - and now they have one of our gate signs to make it official!! Looking forward to an ongoing connection with our local youth as we all work towards a healthy and happy environment!!
Plant and Camp - Hiawatha
2 Livingston Road, Yarram, VIC 3971 T: (03) 1300 094 262/ (03) 5613 5902 Anna Feely YYLN Landcare Facilitator M: 0417 536 873 E: [email protected] W: Related websites...Follow the links below to learn more about YYLN's Jack and Albert River (JARR) Project, and the good oil on all things 'revegetation'...
Take Home Propagation KitWith help from Wellington Shire Council, YYLN is launching an exciting new propagation project! YYLN is creating propagation kits (tubes, racks, potting mix, fertiliser and seed) and offering regular workshops on how to grow plants at home for your own use and/or Landcare projects. The propagation process takes around 6 months. There will be a small cost for those growing plants for their own projects ~ 20c/plant. (Note: Nursery-bought plants are around $1.20 - $1.50 each!)
So if you would like to be part of this exciting new initiative, text Bronwyn Teesdale on M. 0428 559 582. Subsidised site visitsInterested in submitting a VLG grant in the April/May round and don't know where to start?YYLN wants to assist you in preparing project plans and has engaged Seeds of Gippsland to work with interested members through individual property site-visits. The cost of a site visit will be shared between the landholder and YYLN - $250 each. Site visits aim to accurately map out the proposed project, determine costings, provide advice on species selection etc...
If you want help with your next project, follow the link below for more information and to submit your Expression of Interest. Note - there will be a maximum of 20 site visits this round, so hurry before VLG grants are announced! |
Yarram Yarram Landcare Network is now registered with Landcare Victoria Inc as an eligible recipient of tax-deductible donations.
Contribute financially to the Network and we will make sure your money makes a real difference to the environment.
So what are you waiting for?
Yarram Yarram Landcare Network is now registered with Landcare Victoria Inc as an eligible recipient of tax-deductible donations.
Contribute financially to the Network and we will make sure your money makes a real difference to the environment.
So what are you waiting for?