The right plants for your specific Ecological Vegetation Class (EVC)
YARRAM URBAN LANDCARE GROUP - THE BEST PLANTS FOR YOUR EVCEVC's were established by DELWP (now DEECA) as a benchmark as to which areas plant species are indigenous to throughout Victoria. There are many factors determining EVC including soil type, site elevation and proximity to the coast. To select the EVC for your area read the descriptions below and find the one which matches your site the closest or go to the DELWP interactive website Naturekit. In areas where EVC's border each other, there can be a mixture of species from both EVC's. Where this occurs select the EVC which represents the dominant species for that area.
EVC 53 Swamp Scrub Closed scrub to 8 m tall at low elevations on alluvial deposits along streams or on poorly drained sites with higher nutrient availability. The EVC is dominated by Swamp Paperbark Melaleuca ericifolia (or sometimes Woolly Tea-tree Leptospermum lanigerum) which often forms a dense thicket, out-competing other species. Occasional emergent eucalypts may be present. Where light penetrates to ground level, a moss/lichen/liverwort or herbaceous ground cover is often present. Dry variants have a grassy/herbaceous ground layer. EVC 151 Plains Grassy Forest Open forest to 20 m tall often above a heathy shrub layer and a diverse grassy, sedgy and herbaceous ground layer. Occurs on lowland plains and old river terraces made up of gravelly sandy clays. Supplementary plants There is no supplementary list for this mosaic as revegetation generally comes from whatever is existing in the area. If you MUST plant a tree then a Manna Gum is the ideal choice to make. For shelter-belts or hedging we would recommend Melaleuca. |