REVEGETATING WITH INDIGENOUS PLANTSWhen re-vegetating or adding to existing vegetation, the planting of indigenous plants should be given full consideration because -
Visit the YYLN website What to Plant at Your Place for a nuts and bolts guide to selecting and planting species indigenous to the various locations across our Network. It's here you can find information on the 17 EVCs across our region, basic revegetation advice, species lists for your Landcare Group's district, a Nature Kit, tips on preparation and planting for tube stock and direct seeding, and further links to more great information. Other useful informationGreening Australia
Greening Australia offers a huge range of information, including revegetation guides (planning, preparing the ground, pest animal control, seeds and seedlings, maintenance and monitoring). Australian Native Plants Society (Australia) (ANPSA) This site offers detailed information and identification of plants. It also lists seed and native plant suppliers. South Gippsland Shire Council
Indigenous Plants and Weeds of South Gippsland (pdf) Wellington Shire Council
Pests, Weeds and Biodiversity webpages: |
YYLN SEEDBANKDid you know that YYLN has some local seed collected from across our region which is available to members? The Network is also interested in starting up the Seedbank once again. If you are interested in accessing some of our seed, or having some fun seed-collecting, please contact the Network Office.