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Funded Wellington Shire. $5,000 Project Period 2014 Project Objectives To produce an on line guide of what indigenous plants to plant within the Network's area aimed at assisting the community in their selections for revegetation projects. Project Description This program will work with Landcare groups and other landholders to produce a digital indigenous plant selection guide for volunteer groups of the Yarram Yarram Landcare Network (YYLN) area. Revegetation activities are currently based on generic Ecological Vegetation Class (EVC) species lists with local knowledge. Much of this information is scattered across the area or filed away in science databases. We will access and collate this knowledge at community workshops across the region. The information will then be used to create a range of digital fact sheets in the form of a species selection guide. In this format, the guide may be updated regularly as new knowledge is gained. In order to engage a different sector of the community we will work with both the local and broader art community to run an art exhibition of botanical illustration of locally occurring species. It will be held at the Courthouse Gallery in Yarram. These artworks may then be used to illustrate the guide. The guide will be made publically available via the Yarram Yarram Landcare Network website . It will be in PDF form so anyone can print it. Community members enquiring about appropriate species for revegetation works may be directed to the online guide or request hard copies of specific lists as needed, reducing the need for printing of the entire guide. Other groups may provide links to this information via their websites (such as the Wellington Shire). Final Report A website was established to advise the general community about re-vegetation and the indigenous species within their area. This includedA Basic Revegeatation Guide which offers information such as planning, preparation, implementation and links to other sites which detail more in depth aspects of native revegetation and a listing of species endemic to the individual areas within the Network for given EVC's (Ecological Vegetation Class). Additionally an art competition and exhibition was held. The theme of the exhibition was artworks of botanical illustrations of native plants in the YYLN region. This attracted more than 30 paintings. Details of the exhibition along with artworks are included on the website |