Yarram Yarram Landcare Network (YYLN), through the Corner Inlet Connections (CIC) partnership, has worked closely with landowners to protect and enhance high priority areas of coastal vegetation (saltmarsh & mangrove communities) adjoining the RAMSAR Listed Wetlands of Corner Inlet (CI) and Nooramunga Marine and Coastal Park.
Since 2009, YYLN’s Coastal Saltmarsh Protection Project has protected over 700 ha of saltmarsh on freehold land between Port Albert and Reeves Beach. Twelve project sites have been fenced off to exclude stock, revegetated with 35,000 locally indigenous tubestock and highly invasive weeds infestations removed. The YYLN Coastal Saltmarsh Protection Project was initiated in close partnership with the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (WGCMA) and Coastcare. Funding for this project was through a series of grants from both the Australian (e.g.Caring for Our Country and National Landcare Program) and Victorian State Governments (e.g. Regional Growth Fund). This landscape scale project has enabled the local community to work collaboratively to create an ecological buffer zone between farmland and CI Ramsar Listed Wetlands. The long term goal to provide a continuous biolink to protect the Nooramunga wetlands and improve water quality entering Corner Inlet is now becoming a reality. In 2014, YYLN’s Coastal Saltmarsh Protection Project won the Natural Environment Award in the Victorian Coastal Awards for Excellence run by the Victorian Coastal Council. Most recently, YYLN’s Coastal Saltmarsh Protection Project was the winner of the Coastcare Award at the 2015 Victorian Landcare Awards and is now a finalist at the National Landcare Awards in September 2016.
Project achievements (2009 – 2015)
- Discover Corner Inlet at Port Welshpool YYLN Saltmarsh Project Motivation
YYLN Coastal Saltmarsh Protection Project Objectives
Project Officer - Samantha Monks |